Saturday, August 05, 2006

age is just a number

Had a long overdue lunch today with a friend and I have just this to say:

To my friend who's worrying about losing her Mediterranean looks as she turns 40--and in the process, creating even deeper frown lines--and to anyone else who despairs about their passing youth, today is the youngest you will ever be. Embrace it!

I promise that in 10 years you'll look back at photos from today and tell yourself how damn good you looked 'back then'!


Deirdre said...

It's true that we worry so much about aging and all it's related marks on the body - when really we should all celebrate those very things. I look back at pictures of myself from 20 and 30 years ago, back to the days I hated my looks and was so convinced I was ugly. Now I see how cute I was. I refuse to hate my looks ever again. Of course, that doesn't mean that I don't color my hair or invest in sunscreen and retin-A or try to work out or anything else that will keep me looking younger. Wrinkles are always better on other people.

Anonymous said...

isn't that the truth!

Bibi said...

LOL, it is true. And wrinkles look better on MEN!

Kiyotoe said...

Okay, now i feel silly about complaining about all the things i can't do as well at 30 that i did faster, better, easier at the ripe age of 20.

John Ivey said...

Well put!

Lhonez said...

I was sitting on the bus the other day. I realized I had been ogling a very attractive, slightly over weight, slightly graying middle aged woman. Next to her was a young woman, wearing a tube top, skin tight hip huggers etc. I wasn't interested. The middle aged woman caught my eye. I thought to myself, you must be getting old. But then I thought, No I'm just maturing like a fine wine and so is the lady!

Bibi said...

It's all relative, isn't it? My pet peever is when people say "...well at our age..." What's that got to do with anything??